1 SmileFrida toothbrush
As stated on the package labeling, do not let your child bite or chew on the ToothHugger as this brush is not designed to be a teething aid or chew toy. Furthermore, this product is to be used only under adult supervision and, like all toothbrushes, should be immediately discarded at the first sign of damage from repeated biting, chewing, or other wear and tear.
This notification is to re-enforce existing product labeling regarding proper use. If you are currently using a SmileFrida the ToothHugger with your child, please check your product for signs of misuse, like repeated biting or chewing. If there is visible evidence that the product has been chewed by your child, please discard the toothbrush. If you are in possession of an unopened SmileFrida the ToothHugger, you may continue to use the product as directed on the product labeling.