Dental Scaler x 1Piece Curved
For the removal of food debris and mild tartar build up on the teeth.
Made with Stainless Steel in Australia.
Recommend for Professional Groomers who have experience in handling dogs. We recommend only using in combination with our Mirapet Ultrasound Toothbrush Kit 🪥
These instruments are extremely sharp and can cause damage to the gums if not used correctly.
1x Scaler (to gently remove tartar build up)
Always work down from the gum lines. Never up. Work slowly on one tooth at a time, be very gentle and always praise your dog during and after so they get used to the routine at home.
Always sanitize after use with oral disinfectant and let dry completely before storage
Dental Scalers are not to be used as a replacement for professional dental care with your Veterinarian for a full dental clean and polish.
We highly recommend you book a yearly Professional Dental Clean with us or your local Veterinarian.
Australian Animal Oral Care 🇦🇺🦷🪥
Dental Care is 100% important to the overall health of your pet.
See our Website for more information on Mirapet Ultrasound Starter Kit